Excellence and effectiveness in higher education in the field of economics (e4)

The aim of the project is to improve the quality, relevance and effectiveness of higher education through the development of occupational standards and qualification standards in the field of economics and the improvement of study programs with the development and use of modern teaching and learning methods. The achievement of the specific objectives of the project will be based on ESG standards and the CROQF, which will include strengthening the competences of the teaching and non-teaching staff, career development centres, economic advice, public information and overall improvement of the quality system (creation of institutional and financial sustainability frameworks).
Prof. Helga Pavlić Skender, PhD
Prof.Zvonko Čapko, PhD
Prof. Nada Karaman Aksentijević, PhD
Prof. Mira Dimitrić, PhD
Prof. Ana Marija Sikirić, PhD
Prof. Nada Vitezić, PhD
Prof. Mirjana Grčić Fabić, PhD
Prof.Alen Host, PhD
Prof.Heri Bezić, PhD
Prof.Tomislav Galović, PhD
Prof. Igor Cvečić, PhD
Prof. Marko Tomljanović, PhD
Prof. Vinko Zaninović, PhD
Davorin Balaž