FUTURE 4.0 - ManuFactUring educaTion and training governance model for IndUstry 4.0 in the Adriatic-Ionian aREa

Project Summary
The challenges brought about by the fourth industrial revolution are at the very heart of the project FUTURE 4.0. The further developmental stage in the organisation and management of the entire value chain process involved in manufacturing industry is radically changing even the concept of enterprise. EUSAIR area societies and economies are affected as well by this paradigm shift, which has effects on production, intercompany relations, human capital development. To face this, and having as specific focus Blue Economy, the shipyard & nautical logistic supply chain, the project intends to design a shared strategy to innovate companies approach to training through a Smart Learning
Model enhancing shipyard competitiveness in Italy (Veneto & Apulia), Croatia, Greece and Albania. The project structure foresees the definition of a Technological Map of the Shipyard & Nautical Logistic supply chain thorough inclusive road mapping and foresight activity on technology and related competences. Results will be the lay for the designing of a knowledge, competence and skills training/learning hub (FUTURE4.0 platform) involving Universities and training orgs., companies and PAs. T
he platform will be part of the above-mentioned Smart Learning Model and Strategy, implemented and validated through local pilot actions, encompasses effective industrial education and training for innovation, enhancing the University-Industry cooperation. The partnership is multi actor and includes public and private bodies, universities, business supp. orgs., HE institutions active in Industry 4.0 which will cooperate together applying a Triple Helix approach. Accordingly, the project will impact on current situation stimulating a common and participatory rethinking of regional governance systems for training and innovation support towards Industry 4.0, specific for the shipyard & nautical logistic supply chain.
Mutually cooperating 4 universities, PAs, business actors (Large Companies, SMEs, KIBs, Business Supp. orgs.) and R&I players will define a sectoral technological roadmap and foresight as basis for the subsequent development of a share Training Model, tested and validated through its application at each local context. FUTURE 4.0 will see the involvement of 105 companies (primary target group and beneficiaries along with PAs) of the Blue Economy in a knowledge and technology transfer tailored process, along with the production of tools and methods to facilitate a smart industrial change. Results are addressed at Adriatic-Ionian companies, human capital developers, public administrations and knowledge providers. Involved regions share the same challenges, as they face the same transformations and their productive systems should be more integrated. That is why the project should be realized transnationally. What is original is the combination of model design, learning actions, local action plans, profiles upskilling, within a topic - Industry 4.0 - which is brand new.
Members of the project team
Prof.Alen Host, PhD
Prof.Tomislav Galović, PhD
Prof.Ivan Urod, PhD