International Conference on Economic and Social Studies - ICESOS

International Conference on Economic and Social Studies - ICESOS
10 - 12 May, 2018
International Burch University Sarajevo, in Bosnia and Herzegovina
International Conference on Economic and Social Studies (ICESoS) is a scientific platform that brings social science researchers together to discuss subjects related to regional economic development particularly in the context of the Balkan region. Because the conference focuses on the economic and developmental issues in the Balkan region, it uses "The Regional Economic Development” theme as the main theme of the conference. This year’s conference theme is „Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitality in the Balkan Region". For a long number of years, tourism and hospitality industry has been registering a significant growth of undertaken travels on world level, which has resulted in it becoming one of the most important industries, which greatly contributes in achieving economic growth of destinations on regional and state level. Contemporary tourism and hospitality is continuously facing greater and greater challenges, which indicates the necessity of undertaking new researches with a goal of rethinking new and innovative scientific and practical solutions which will contribute in achieving higher level of competitiveness on the world´s tourist market.
There will be 3 channels for publication in this year’s conference:
1) An edited book will collect regional economic development papers and will be published by Cambridge Publishing as volume II;
2) Refereed conference proceedings will be published in the proceeding book of ICESoS 2018. Proceedings book is published after the conference. Conference participants can choose to publish their full-text proceeding papers in this proceeding book. These papers are peer-reviewed therefore authors are responsible to make necessary changes before publication.
3) Journal Publications: If the authors agree to publish their papers in one of the following journals – JECOSS Journal of Economics and Social Studies and EJBE Eurasian Journal of Business & Economics , then the papers will be evaluated by the journal editors and taken into review process to be published in the journal. If the article is rejected, then it can be published in the supplementary edition of the conference proceeding book. The full-text conference papers are not allowed to be published in both the proceedings book and the journal.
Scientists and professionals are invited to submit the papers in the following topics
- Information and Communication Technology and e-business
- Marketing (Consumer behavior, branding, image, etc.)
- Crisis Management, Risk Management, Safety and security
- Destination Competitiveness
- Economics and Finance
- Education and training
- Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Entrepreneurship
- Foreign Languages
- Innovations
- International Tourism
- Tourism and EU
- Managing Service quality
- Quantitative methods
- Seasonality
- Special interests tourism (Halal Tourism, Health Tourism, Rural Tourism, Archaeological Tourism, Heritage Tourism, Gastronomic and Wine Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Nautical Tourism, and others.)
- Sustainability (with a particular accent on use of renewable energy sources and green technologies)
- Tourism and Cultural Diplomacy
- Tourism policy
- Other relevant topics.
The Important dates are as follows:
Submissions open : October 1, 2017
Abstract submissions deadline: April 25, 2018
Abstract acceptance notification: April 26, 2018
Conference fee payment deadline: May 1, 2018
Conference dates: May 10-12, 2018
We would also like to point out that ICESoS 2016 Conference Proceedings are indexed in Web of Science Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings, and Conference Proceedings from 2017 are currently in progress.
This years proceedings will also be submitted for evaluation.
For further details of the conference, please visit: We are looking forward to greeting you in ICESoS 2018, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.