
16.10.2024 Realizator - otvorene prijave!



Konkurentno znanje, iskustvo i praksa temelj su uspjeha. Naši studenti budućnost su svih nas.

stranih studenata svaki semestar odabere naš Fakultet zbog jedinstvenog studija na engleskom jeziku


studenata studira na engleskom jeziku


studenata završetkom poslijediplomskog studija ima uspješnu karijeru


studenata odabralo je kroz stručnu praksu u organizaciji Fakulteta započeti karijeru


studentskih poduzeća osnovali su studenti uz financijsku potporu Fakulteta


studenata studira na prvom online sveučilišnom diplomskom studiju iz područje poslovne ekonomije

Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu

Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu

Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu / Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics: Journal of Economics and Business

Programi cjeloživotnog učenja

Programi cjeloživotnog učenja

...kratki tečajevi, seminari, obrazovni moduli, ciklusi obrazovanja i izobrazbe iz različitih tematskih područja, radionice te ostale formalne i neformalne oblike obrazovanja....

Centar za karijere

Centar za karijere

....Znanje u praksi....

Iskustva studenata

Petros Pachountakis, undergraduate study program International Business, Greece

Petros Pachountakis, undergraduate study program International Business, Greece

"My experience at the University of Rijeka was excellent! The Croatian students are very happy and open. All the professors and especially Mr Markos Donadic are very kind and helpful. But the best per

Anzhelika Hladka, graduate study program International Business, Ukraine

Anzhelika Hladka, graduate study program International Business, Ukraine

"From my point of view, EFRI is a great Faculty with a lot of advantages. It's putting huge efforts to make studying process more and more interesting. Conditions for studying is wonderful. Additional

Eni Deković, ALUMNI EFRI, International Business

Eni Deković, ALUMNI EFRI, International Business

"Studying International Business on EFRI helped me prepare for corporate environment I am currently working in. Knowledge I gained during the studies is highly valuable in my day to day job, it gives

Nico Rosamilia, PhD student, Italy

Nico Rosamilia, PhD student, Italy

"The PhD program allows you to get in touch with the best professors of the Faculty and to use the best resources at their disposal.
You will also have the possibility to spend 3 or more months ab

Victoria Gaitan, undergraduate study program International Business, Romania

Victoria Gaitan, undergraduate study program International Business, Romania

"I am very glad that I have the chance to study in a different educational environment and experience another approach to learning a subject. Professors incentivize students to get a broader view of t

Alina Frecautan (Romania),  undergraduate study program International Business, Romania

Alina Frecautan (Romania), undergraduate study program International Business, Romania

"Courses are very interesting and helpful and the teachers are also friendly and approachable. I am very glad I chose to spend my summer semester at this faculty due to the given opportunities, both a

Wilma Postma, Erasmus student, Netherlands

Wilma Postma, Erasmus student, Netherlands

“Student exchange is an unforgettable experience because I learned in a completely different education system and I loved it!”

Piotr Zawodnik, Erasmus student, Poland

Piotr Zawodnik, Erasmus student, Poland

"Classes are conducted in a friendly atmosphere and professors are very approachable, helpful and friendly. There are many international opportunities which add personal value and enrich your CV."

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