Obavijesti i događanja

Obavijesti i događanja

Rijeka, 19.02.2024.
Obavijest o održavanju II.kolokvija i doktorske konferencije:
II. kolokvij u sklopu doktorske konferencije kao i sama doktorska konferencija održati će se 21. lipnja 2024. godine u sklopu EDT konferencije u Opatiji koju organizira Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci.

Doktorandi koji su sudjelovali na I. znanstvenom kolokviju imaju obvezu sudjelovati i na II. znanstvenom kolokviju.
Doktorandi koji su sudjelovali na oba kolokvija i odslušali radionice prof. Žabkar i prof.Pahor također su obvezni sudjelovati na doktorskoj konferenciji.

Rijeka, 31.01.2024.
Radionice o pretraživanju baza podataka
Termin: 14. 2. 2024., 17:00 - 18:30, online
Naziv: Principi pretraživanja informacija u bazama podataka; Voditeljica radionice: Dora Rubinić, Knjižnica EFRI
Opis: Cilj radionice je upoznati polaznike s dostupnim bazama podataka i razviti vještine potrebne za pretraživanje informacija o znanstvenim radovima u bazama podataka. Polaznike će se upoznati s različitim vrstama baza podataka i drugim informacijskim alatima za pretraživanje informacija o znanstvenim radovima (Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus, CroRIS-Crosbi, Google Scholar, institucijski repozitoriji itd.). Naglasak će biti na odabiru i primjeni učinkovite strategije pretraživanja, formulaciji informacijskog upita, korištenju tehnika pretraživanja i preuzimanju bibliografskih podataka. 
Termin: 21. 2. 2024., 17:00 - 18:30 h, online
Naziv: How to find and use articles, reports and more via ProQuest One Business; Voditelj radionice: Stefan Voss, Proquest/Clarivate
Opis: In this webinar, we show you different ways how to find and use articles, books, reports and company profiles available via ProQuest One Business and will provide you with some best practices to help you get the most out of this massive full text database.

Rijeka, 29.01.2024
Održavanje radionice o Stata programu
Organizira se radionica o Stata programu koju će voditi voditelj doktorskog studija doc. dr. sc. Vinko Zaninović.
Termin radionice je od 05.-08.02.2024 od 16:30 - 19:30 u računalnoj dvorani 2 /online. 

Rijeka, 15. prosinca 2023.
Održano je godišnje okupljanje doktoranada na kojem se okupilo 15 EFRI profesora i doktoranada. 

Rijeka, 14.06.2023.
Održavanje online Mendeley radionice - 07. srpnja 2023. u 17 sati  - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86232334639
"Pretraživanje i vrednovanje znanstvenih časopisa i članaka" – predavač doc.dr. sc. Petra Adelajda Zaninović
 ·         citatne baze i bibliometrijski pokazatelji,
 ·         citatni indeksi i metričko vrednovanje časopisa,
 ·         odabir časopisa za objavu.
"Upravljanje bibliografskim podacima pomoću Mendeley programa" – predavač doc.dr. sc. Antonija Petrlić
·          izrada vlastite baze,
·         upravljanje, označavanje i dijeljenje,
·         automatska izrada bibliografije prema citatnim stilovima.

Rijeka, 22. prosinca 2022.
Održano je godišnje okupljanje doktoranada na kojem se okupilo 22 EFRI profesora i doktoranada.
Rijeka, 24. listopada 2022.

Obavijest Centra za karijere 
Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci trenutno ima na snazi 237 sporazuma s poduzećima. 

Rijeka, 13. listopada 2022.
Obavijest o broju ugovora o mobilnosti za doktorande
Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci trenutno ima na snazi 67 ugovora o mobilnosti.

Rijeka, 20. srpnja 2022.
Održavanje ekonometrijske radionice - 19. - 24. rujna 2022 - prijave do 09. rujna
Na Ekonomskom fakultetu održat će se radionica od 19. do 24. rujna će se na našem Fakultetu održati ekonometrijska radionica
pod naslovom "Applied Microeconometrics: Causal Inference and Policy Evaluation with Applications in R and Stata".
Radionica će se održati isključivo onsite, u računalnoj dvorani 2 (pon-pet od 16 do 20 i u subotu od 9 do 13 sati). Prisustvovanjem možete ostvariti 5 ECTS bodova, a prijaviti se možete do 09. rujna, slanjem maila na doktorski@efri.hr.  

Rijeka, 31. svibnja 2022.
Rijeka, 10. ožujka 2022.
Obavijest o održavanju II.kolokvija i doktorske konferencije:
II. kolokvij u sklopu doktorske konferencije kao i sama doktorska konferencija održati će se 24. lipnja 2022. godine u sklopu EDT konferencije u Opatiji koju organizira Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci.

Doktorandi koji su sudjelovali na I. znanstvenom kolokviju imaju obvezu sudjelovati i na II. znanstvenom kolokviju.
Doktorandi koji su sudjelovali na oba kolokvija i odslušali radionice prof. Žabkar i prof.Pahor također su obvezni sudjelovati na doktorskoj konferenciji.


Rijeka, 03. ožujka 2022.
Održavanje ljetne škole "FEBT SUMMER SCHOLL 2022 IN SPLIT" od 27.06.-08.07.2022
više informacija na http://summer.efst.hr

FEBT Summer School 2022 course dates:

1. Regional development in post-crisis and post-global world - June 27- July 1, 2022

2. Behavioural economics - June 27- July 1, 2022

3. Microeconometrics in STATA and R - June 27- July 1, 2022

4. Entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity - July 4 - 8, 2022

Rijeka, 25. siječnja 2022.
Održavanje ekonometrijske radionice profesora Craig A. Depkena sa Sveučilišta North Carolina
Od 21.-24. veljače 2022. godine planirano je na Fakultetu održavanje ekonometrijske radionice pod voditeljstvom profesora Craig A. Depkena sa Sveučilišta North Carolina.
Prijave su moguće do 11. veljače slanjem maila na doktorski@efri.hr.
Sudjelovanjem na radionici može se ostvariti 5 ECTS bodova. 
Rijeka, 18. siječnja 2022.
Natječaj Fonda Prometej u svrhu unapređenja znanstveno-istraživačke djelatnosti doktorskih studenata
Zaklada Sveučilišta u Rijeci u suradnji sa Sveučilištem u Rijeci i Studentskim zborom Sveučilišta u Rijeci raspisala je natječaj Fonda Prometej u svrhu unapređenja znanstveno-istraživačke djelatnosti studenata poslijediplomskih sveučilišnih (doktorskih) studija Sveučilišta u Rijeci.
Link :

Rijeka, 22. prosinca 2021.
Održano je godišnje okupljanje doktoranada na kojem se okupilo 15 EFRI profesora i doktoranada.

Rijeka, 11. listopada 2021.
Obavijest Centra za karijere 
Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci trenutno ima na snazi 141 sporazum s poduzećima.

Rijeka, 21. listopada 2021.
Obavijest o broju ugovora o mobilnosti za doktorande
Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci trenutno ima na snazi 64 ugovora o mobilnosti.

Rijeka, 24. rujna 2021.
Otvoren je natječaj za upis nove generacije studenata doktorskog studija

Rijeka, 30. ožujka 2021.
Rijeka, 16. veljače 2021.
Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Ljubljani - online ljetne radionice

Radionice su prvenstveno namijenjene doktorandima koji su prijavili temu doktorata.

Ukoliko smatrate, a u dogovoru s vašim mentorom/mentoricom, da će vam sudjelovanje na određenoj radionici pomoći u empirijskom dijelu istraživanja, molimo Vas da se prijavite na doktorski@efri.hr do 05. ožujka 2021.

Puna cijena jedne radionice je 600,00 EUR, a EFRI će sufinancirati troškove sudjelovanja na odabranoj radionici do maksimalno 75% iznosa, ovisno o broju prijavljenih doktoranada.
Na navedenom linku može se naći program odražavanja radionica:

Rijeka, 03. veljače 2021.
Obavijest o održavanju II.kolokvija i doktorske konferencije:

II. kolokvij u sklopu doktorske konferencije kao i sama doktorska konferencija održati će se 25. lipnja 2021. godine u sklopu EDT konferencije u Opatiji koju organizira Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci.

Doktorandi koji su sudjelovali na I. znanstvenom kolokviju imaju obvezu sudjelovati i na II. znanstvenom kolokviju.
Doktorandi koji su sudjelovali na oba kolokvija i odslušali radionice prof. Žabkar i prof.Pahor također su obvezni sudjelovati na doktorskoj konferenciji.

POZIV NA EDT KONFERENCIJU - Opatija, 23. - 25. lipnja 2021.
Pozivamo Vas na međunarodnu konferenciju Economics of Digital Transformation, koju organizira Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci.

Konferencija će se održati od 23. do 25. lipnja u Opatiji. EFRI doktorandi su oslobođeni od plaćanja kotizacije.

Više informacija o samoj konferenciji možete pronaći ovdje: https://www.edt-conference.com/index.php.

Rijeka, 02. veljače 2021.

FEB Zagreb 2021

12th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business

Šibenik, Croatia – June 9-12, 2021

Call for papers



Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia is pleased to invite you to 12th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business. The Conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to present their research and discuss recent challenges in business and economics. 


The conference will take place in Amadria Park Hotel Ivan in Šibenik, Croatia. As participants’ safety is our top priority, we will also enable the possibility of on-line participation for all those authors that will not be able to attend the conference in person.


In order to present your research at the virtual conference authors can participate with an abstract OR full paper.


Please find more information at the Conference web: https://odyssey.net.efzg.hr/   

Rijeka, 21. siječnja 2021.
Obavijest o drugoj radionici u sklopu doktorske konferencije:
Druga radionica u okviru znanstvenih kolokvija programa doktorskog studija Ekonomskog fakulteta održat će se 26. i 27. veljače 2020. godine.

Predavač je prof. dr. sc. Marko Pahor s Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Ljubljani.
Točan sat i način predavanja objavit će se naknadno sukladno epidemiološkoj situaciji.
Doktorandi koji su sudjelovali na I. znanstvenom kolokviju imaju obvezu sudjelovati na predavanju prof. Pahora i sudjelovati na II. znanstvenom kolokviju.

Rijeka 19. siječnja 2021.
CESEENet PHD Workshop, ODESSA, Sept. 20-21 - CALL for Papers
The workshop of the Central, East, and South-East European PhD Network (CESEENet) in ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT and FINANCE
will be organized in cooperation with the Odessa National Economic University.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide the PhD students an international discussion forum for their research.
Theoretical, conceptual and empirical papers from all areas in economics, management and finance are welcome. 
PhD students who want to present a paper should submit an abstract (300 words) as soon as possible, but no later than June 15, 2021.
The workshop will be held at the Odessa National Economic University – http://oneu.edu.ua/en/ 

Rijeka, 26. listopada 2020.
Obavijest Centra za karijere 
Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci trenutno ima na snazi 60 sporazuma s poduzećima.

Rijeka, 15. listopada 2020.
Obavijest o broju ugovora o mobilnosti za doktorande
Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci trenutno ima na snazi 58 ugovora o mobilnosti.

Rijeka, 13. listopada 2020.
Otvoren CEEPUS-natječaj za međunarodnu razmjenu nastavnika i studenata u ljetnom semestru 2020/21.
Popis inozemnih partnerskih institucija možete pronaći ovdje: https://www.efri.uniri.hr/hr/ceepus/694/115
Prijavnu dokumentaciju, navedenu u priloženom letku, poslati na Ured za međunarodnu suradnju Fakulteta (mdonadic@efri.hr), gdje također možete dobiti dodatne informacije o CEEPUS-u.
Rok za prijavu je 26.10.2020.

Rijeka 25. veljače 2020.
PhD Doctoral Workshop at SGH Warsaw June 1-5 2020

It is our great honour and pleasure to invite PhD Students to the PhD Doctoral Workshop held in June 1 - 5, 2020 at SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
The expenses incurred in attending the workshop shall becovered by SGH Warsaw School of Economics within the PROM Programme.

The registration deadline is March 1, 2020. For registration please
follow this link:

Should you have any questions concerning the registration procedure,
please do not hesitate to contact Magdalena Suska; email:
Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci participirat će u troškovima sudjelovanja za dva (2) doktoranda u iznosu 200 EUR po osobi. 

Rijeka, 10. veljače 2020.

4th International PhD Conference | Rijeka-Ljubljana-Graz
University of Graz, Austria | June 4 – 6, 2020„Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Age(ing) and Care: What does it mean to grow old?"


Prijave se podnose do 01. ožujka 2020.


Napominjemo, a kao što je vidljivo i iz poziva, da su za doktorske studente našeg Sveučilišta za ovu konferenciju svi troškovi pokriveni.


Conference language: English
We welcome submissions for both papers and posters from PhD students from all fields of research. Please specify whether your contribution is a paper or a poster in your application. It should be stressed that preference will be given to applications from PhD candidates from the Universities of Rijeka, Ljubljana, and Graz.

Papers will feature a presentation by its author(s). The paper abstract must include a title, author(s) name(s) and short narrative CV, and a summary of the research design and findings. The abstract and CV must be no longer than 250 words each.

Posters will be featured throughout the conference. The poster abstract must include a title, author(s) name(s) and a short narrative CV, and a summary of the research design and findings. The abstract and CV must be no longer than 250 words each.

Submissions are due by March 1st 2020 (notification by April 1st).

Please send your abstracts as word documents by March 1st 2020 to Ms. Eva-Maria Trinkaus, ageandcare@uni-graz.at.

Costs: There will be no registration fee for this conference. Accommodation and travel for participating doctoral students from abovementioned universities will be subsidized.


 Rijeka, 10. siječnja 2020.



Paper Writing Workshop in Economics and Management

(for CESEENet PhD Students)

Location: University of Vienna

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1

1090 Vienna

Sept. 7 – Sept. 11, 2020



Please send an application e-mail on the following email address polina.schmid@univie.ac.at  and include a confirmation of enrollment in a PhD programme at a CESEENet partner university in English. Otherwise your application will not be considered.


Applications are processed according to "first-come, first-served” principle. However, since we are aiming for a diverse group of participants, we will only accept a limited number of students from each university.


DEADLINE for application: FEBRUARY 21

Students will be informed about the acceptance/rejection of their application after the end of the application deadline.

IMPORTANT: The workshop itself is free of charge. Travel and accommodation costs must be borne by the participants.

It is possible to apply for funding from the CEEPUS programme, if your university is member of the relevant network (https://www.ceepus.info/network/network_main.aspx#nbb). Please contact the responsible person at your home university for further information.


If you have questions regarding the workshop, please contact Polina Schmid (polina.schmid@univie.ac.at).



Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci participirat će u troškovima sudjelovanja za dva (2) doktoranda u iznosu 200 EUR po osobi.

Rijeka, 10. siječnja 2020.
2020 CESEENET PhD Workshop in Thessaloniki, Greece
The location for the September 2020 CESEENet executive committee meeting as well as for the PhD workshop in September 2020 is
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - https://www.auth.gr/en.

The PhD workshop will be organized on Sept. 17 (11.00 - 17.00) and 18 (9.00 - 11.30), 2020;
and the CESEENet executive committee meeting will be organized on Sept. 18, 12.30.
Procedures for Submitting Abstract and Paper
PhD students who want to present a paper should submit an abstract (300 words) as soon as possible, but no later than June 30, 2020. The acceptance letter will be sent to the corresponding author within two weeks after the submission of the abstract.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to prepare the final paper for presentation at the Conference.

PhD students will have two opportunities to present their research at the PhD Workshop:
(A) Presentation of a research paper:
Each paper will be presented by the author(s) (20 minutes).
In addition, a discussant will review and discuss the paper (5 – 10 minutes).
(B) Presentation of a PhD research proposal:
The PhD students have the opportunity to present their research in progress at the workshop in order to get feedback from peers and senior researchers.
Two sessions will be organized:
(a) early stage proposals and
(b) advanced stage proposals.
Each proposal will be presented by the author(s) (20 minutes).
Content of the proposal:
The proposal has to consist of the following parts:
1. Motivation of the topic; the ensuing research problem and research questions
2. Overview of the relevant literature
3. What is the gap you address in your study and why is it important to provide an answer to this research question?
4. What is the contribution of your study to the relevant literature?
5. Theory and hypotheses/research questions development
Explain the theoretical framework and develop the hypotheses/the research questions
6. Methodology
Which method do you use to answer the research questions: qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods? Is you approach deductive or inductive?
7. List of references that have been used in this paper [APA 6th style]
When you plan to present a research paper/proposal, a copy must be submitted by
September 1, 2020.
No CONFERENCE FEE will be charged.
The workshop will be held at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
JUNE 30, 2020
Abstract submission (via email to: josef.windsperger@univie.ac.at)
One COPY of the PAPER/Proposal (.pdf or .doc) via e-mail to Josef Windsperger (josef.windsperger@univie.ac.at)
SEPTEMBER 15, 2020
Final program available at (http://ceseenet.org/) 
Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci participirat će u troškovima sudjelovanja za dva (2) doktoranda u iznosu 200 EUR po osobi.

Rijeka, 18. prosinca 2019.

Objavljujemo da je dr. sc. Milan Deskar - Škrbić, alumni Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci,
dobitnik nagrade "dr. Pero Jurković" za članak

         "Fiscal Policy and European Semester in Croatia: Why Should We Focus on Public Debt"

objavljen u koautorstvu s prof. dr. sc. Hrvojem Šimovićem.



Rijeka, 27.studenoga 2019.


Distinguished Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to participate in the 20th Management International Conference (MIC 2020) to be held in the City Hotel, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27–30 May 2020.

The conference covers different subject areas: management, economics, finance, trade, tourism, energy and climate, digitalisation and the workplace, international institutions and development.

Submission and Registration

The paper submission process is organized in two steps:

  1. Abstract submission before the conference starts.
  2. Full Paper submission after the conference. In order to register and submit your extended abstract click here.

Publication Possibilities

Abstracts will be published in the MIC 2020 Book of Abstracts, ready for the conference. Authors, who submit their abstracts and participate at the conference, are invited to submit full papers either to the MIC 2020 Conference Proceedings, published after the conference, or to the supporting journals (more information here).

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission: 29 February 2020
  • Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2020
  • Registration and Payment Deadline: 15 April 2020 (Early bird); 30 April 2020 (Late registration)
  • Conference date: 27–30 May 2020
  • Full Paper submission for Journals' Special Issues: 30 June 2020
  • Full Paper submission for Conference Proceedings: 30 September 2020

Conference Fee

Information about the conference fee is available here.

Conference Location

Information about the conference venue and how to reach Ljubljana is available here.


E-mail: mic@fm-kp.si

Website: www.mic.fm-kp.si

 Rijeka, 27. studenoga 2019.

Call for Papers:

1st International Workshop on Master Data Management (MDM'20)

In conjunction with

The 11th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT) 

& The 3rd International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0 (EDI40) 



MDM'2020 Workshop days: 6th - 9th April, Warsaw, Poland


MDM'20 is the 1st International Workshop that provides an international forum on the latest technologies and research in the field of master data management, usage of data for segmentation and processing personal data;


International Workshop for Master Data Management (MDM) has the following aim and scope:

Contribution of presented works toll of data preparation, data standardization and data equotation that was settled for data campaign management and after enforcing GDPR and privacy tools into a practice - the mechanics and tools needed to adapt for working with client's data (as a subject in terms of GDPR) with new mandatory requirements for data processing in Big Data Management (BDM). 

Usage and role of  BDM as Linked Data in Master Data Management (e.g. CRM systems with transactions, segmentation models, various interconnections with consent/permissions on applications, social networks etc.). BDM and MDM are still forcing changing environments and challenges (e.g. ePrivacy, security measures against cybernetic attacks and data misusage).

Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following (quoting from the call for contributions):

  • Privacy and Transparency in Linked Data in BDM / MDM
  • Identity management vocabularies
  • Categories of sensitive and personal data
  • Modeling personal data usage, processing, sharing, and tracking (in terms of GDPR and ePrivacy)
  • Modeling/Interlinking aspects of privacy and provenance (in terms of GDPR)
  • Modeling consent and making it transportable
  • Vocabularies to model privacy policies, regulations, and involved (business) processes
  • New ways to put the user in control benefiting from semantic interoperability of policy information
  • Modeling permissions, obligations, and their scope in dealing with personal data
  • Reasoning about formally declared privacy policies, in order to detect policy violations, breach
  • Exploring links and synergies using Linked Data vocabularies in the context of related efforts
  • Visualizations of data and policy information to help data self-determination, especially taking up the challenge of useful simplifications and layered approaches. The papers will be judged from two perspectives, technical and application:

* Papers reporting on application experience will be expected to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed solutions.

Important Dates:

  • Paper submission deadline:           December 4, 2019 (extended)
  • Notification of Decision:                  January 13, 2020
  • Final Manuscript Due:                      February 10, 2020
  • Workshops Date:                               April 6 - 9, 2020


Papers should be submitted via Easychair: https://easychair.org/cfp/MDM20

For page limits and formatting instructions, please visit https://sites.google.com/view/mdm2020/home

ANT & EDI40 2020 organizing committee invites you to submit papers. Please encourage your colleagues, research group members and fellow scientists to contribute and participate in this event. ANT & EDI40 2020 conferences in Warsaw, Poland. Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland. The metropolis stands on the Vistula River in east-central Poland and its population is officially estimated at 1.770 million residents within a greater metropolitan area of 3.1 million residents, which makes Warsaw the 8th most-populous capital city in the European Union. The city limits cover 516.9 square kilometers (199.6 sq mi), while the metropolitan area covers 6,100.43 square kilometers (2,355.39 sq mi). Warsaw is an alpha global city, a major international tourist destination, and a significant cultural, political and economic hub. It's historical Old Town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Journals Special Issues


ANT & EDI40 2020 accepted papers will be published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer Science series on-line. Procedia Computer Science is hosted by Elsevier on www.Elsevier.com and on Elsevier content platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com), and will be freely available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com) and by Thomson Reuters' Conference Proceeding Citation Index (http://thomsonreuters.com/conference-proceedings-citation-index/). All papers in Procedia will also be indexed by Scopus (www.scopus.com) and Engineering Village (Ei) (www.engineeringvillage.com). This includes EI Compendex (www.ei.org/compendex). Moreover, all accepted papers will be indexed in DBLP (http://dblp.uni-trier.de/). 


Other Publication Opportunity


Selected papers and contributions, practical advices and expertise views would be published in our in-house Journal: 

  • Marketing Science and Inspirations
    The international scientific journal is focused on the issue of marketing and marketing management. MSI implementation team's effort is to create a platform for marketing theory while providing a place for practical advice and experience. The emphasis is put on the current trends evident in practice as in theory.
  • ISSN: 1338-7944 , Since 2006, Periodicity: 4 Issues / year

Workshop Organizers:


* Tomáš Pikulík, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia

* Peter Štarchoň, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia


Technical Program Committee:

Natalia Kryvinska, Universität Wien, Austria

Peter Štetka, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Pavel Štrach, ŠKODA AUTO VYSOKÁ ŠKOLA, Czech republic

Marie Hesková, The College of European and Regional Studies, České Budějovice, Czech republic

Petra Jílková, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech republic

Dario Šebalj, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia

Rijeka, 25. studenoga 2019.
Obavijest o drugoj radionici:
Druga radionica u okviru znanstvenih kolokvija programa doktorskog studija Ekonomskog fakulteta održat će se u prostoru Anexa Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci:
  • petak, 28. veljače 2020. od 16.00-20.00 h
  • subota, 29. veljače 2020. od 09.00-14.00 h
Predavač je prof. dr. sc. Marko Pahor s Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Ljubljani. 

Rijeka, 15. studenoga 2019
Promjena natječaja za Erasmus KA107
Studenti koji se žele prijaviti za razmjenu u Kirgistan mogu to napraviti za ak. godinu 2020/2021.

Rijeka, 14. studenoga 2019.

Raspisan je natječaj za međunarodnu mobilnost studenata svih razina studija (osim za studente 1.g. preddiplomskog studija), u okviru programa razmjene Erasmus KA107, za odlazak na razmjenu u jednu od slijedećih zemalja (po jedna mobilnost): Rusija, Ukrajina i Kirgistan. Stipendija pokriva razdoblje mobilnosti od 4 mjeseca (do najkasnije 31.7.2020.) i uključuje mjesečni iznos potpore te potporu za putne troškove (u privitku financijski uvjeti). Tekst natječaja može se pročitati u priloženom dokumentu, uz prijavni obrazac. Rok za prijavu je 28.11.2019.
Za eventualne daljnje informacije obratiti se referadi za međunarodnu suradnju (1. kat, kabinet 25, marko.donadic@efri.hr ).

Rijeka, 16. listopada 2019.
CEEPUS - otvoren natječaj za ljetni semestar 2019/2020

Otvoren je CEEPUS-natječaj za međunarodnu razmjenu nastavnika i studenata u ljetnom semestru 2019/20.

Popis inozemnih partnerskih institucija možete pronaći ovdje: https://www.efri.uniri.hr/hr/ceepus/694/115

CEEPUS FAQ: https://www.ceepus.info/fkh/FAQ.aspx#nbb


Prijavnu dokumentaciju, navedenu u priloženom letku, dostaviti u Ured za međunarodnu suradnju Fakulteta (1.kat, kabinet 25), gdje također možete dobiti dodatne informacije o CEEPUS-u.



Rok za prijavu je 24.10.2019.


Raspored predavanja za kolegij "Kvantitativne i kvalitativne metode u znanstvenom istraživanju"
Rijeka, 01. listopada 2019. 
Obavijest o prvom znanstvenom kolokviju:
I. znanstveni kolokvij održat će se u subotu, 05. listopada 2019. godine u 8,30 sati u Aneksu Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci.

Rijeka, 01. listopada 2019. 


Program praksi u njemačkim tvrtkama - prijave započinju u listopadu 

The Internship Programme offers up to 75 Young Professionals the opportunity to gain practical experience through internships in companies in Germany. University students and young graduates apply their theoretical knowledge they have acquired during their academic education within the framework of their company-specific internships in Germany.

The internships last between 3 and 6 months. Scholarship holders are assigned to internship positions which match their academic background. The Internship Programme of German Business offers internships from the entire spectrum of the German economy - both large and small and medium-sized companies provide internships.
Više informacija potražite na stranici https://www.djindjic-stipendienprogramm.de/applicants/

Rijeka, 15. srpnja 2019.

Step Ri znanstveno-tehnologijski park Sveučilišta u Rijeci i Veleposlanstvo SAD u Zagrebu organiziraju Big Bang Camp, kamp namijenjen znanstvenicima, poduzetnicima i poduzetnicima početnicima.


Big Bang Camp je petodnevni program mentoriranja tijekom kojeg će mentori iz Hrvatske i Amerike pomoći sudionicima koji razvijaju nove tehnologije da utvrde njihov tržišni potencijal i izrade hodogram pretvaranja tehnologije u proizvode i usluge koje imaju vrijednost na tržištu.


Big Bang Camp će se održati u prostorima STEP RI znanstveno-tehnologijskog parka Sveučilišta u Rijeci od 18. do 22. rujna 2019. godine.


Rijeka, 28. lipnja 2019.
Novi raspored - REPETITORIJ

Rijeka, 27. lipnja 2019.
[Ceseenet] Correction of date to: 16-17 October 2019, Workshop on Qualitative Research Methods, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
The Centre for Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw has a great pleasure to invite PhD students in management area to participate  in 1st PhD Workshop on Qualitative Research Methods in Management  held in Warsaw between 16-17 October 2019.


During the workshop, students will become more familiar with different approaches and methods in qualitative research in management. The workshop offers a great opportunity to meet both Polish and international academics.

Students are kindly asked to register for the event. Please mind that the registration is parallel with application for the workshop. You will be asked to answer one open question regarding qualitative research methods

The workshop is held in English. The number of workshop participants is limited.


AE for http://www.jemi.edu.pl/


Centre for Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Management

University of Warsaw


Rijeka, 18. lipnja 2019.
Summer School on "Migration and mobility in the Balkans" - the call is open!

UniAdrion and Marche Polytechnic University are organizing the second edition of the Summer school on "Migration and mobility in the Balkans”, which is going to take place in Ancona (Italy) form 9 to 13 September 2019.

This year edition will host lecturers of key relevance in the European academic scenario, such as Russel King, from Sussex University, Milica Uvalic, from the University of Perugia, Giulia Bettin, from Marche Polytechnic University, Stefano Bianchini, from the University of Bologna, Eralba Cela, from the University of Milan and INRCA, and others.

The Summer school fee, as well as meals and accommodation, will be covered by Marche Polytechnic University, whereas travel expenses to and from Ancona will be on participants.

The programme of this year Summer School is designed for Masters and PhD students, researchers and officers working in the field of migration.

Official call


Application form




For further information visit the page: https://bit.ly/2I6Uk4x

UNIADRION Secretariat

c/o Università Politecnica delle Marche Via Menicucci, 6
60121 - Ancona
Tel.: +39 071 2203020 - 071 2203028
E-mail: info@uniadrion.net

Rijeka, 18. lipnja 2019.
Economics and Governance for Sustainability, call for papers

Please read the attached call for papers for Special Issue on the Economics and Governance for Sustainability and please consider submitting your article to the journal Public Sector Economics. The guest editors Louis Meuleman and Ingeborg Niestroy are welcoming theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented contributions analysing the state of play of economic theory and practice of sustainable development, with a view of its contribution to the governance of the SDGs. 


The manuscript deadline is 15 August 2019.


Rijeka, 12. lipnja 2019.

U skladu s programom rada na radionicama, znanstvenim kolokvijima i doktorskoj konferenciji (https://www.efri.uniri.hr/hr/radionice_znanstveni_kolokviji_i_doktorska_konferencija/936/215)- do 19. rujna 2019. godine - treba dostaviti radnu verziju teksta preliminarne prijave disertacije u referadu za doktorski studij (doktorski@efri.hr). Konačni je cilj (koji će biti ostvaren nakon drugog znanstvenog kolokvija) prijava disertacije na obrascu za prijavu teme disertacije koji se nalazi na web stranicama (https://www.efri.uniri.hr/hr/poslijediplomski_studij__pravilnici_odluke_i_obrasci/517/150).

Ukoliko se tekst ne dostavi u predviđenom roku smatrat će se da je doktorand/ica odustao/la od sudjelovanja u znanstvenim kolokvijima.

Predviđeno je da doktorandi razrade svoju ideju istraživanja u obimu od oko 0,5 aa (7-8 str., ne računajući popis literature) koja se šalje na recenziju mentoru (podsjećamo na nužnost prethodnih konzultacija s mentorom prije godišnjeg odmora), a tekst rada treba sadržavati:

•        Naslov (tema)

•        Postavljanje istraživačkog problema (temeljeno na prošlim znanstvenim istraživanjima)

•        Rezultate prošlih istraživanja (analiza literature)

•        Istraživačka pitanja, ciljevi istraživanja, hipoteza (pomoćne hipoteze)

•        Konceptualizacija (razrada koncepta istraživanja i prikaz istraživačkog modela - konkretniji i konačni prijedlog kvantitativnog modela odnosno metodologije istraživanja bit će razrađen nakon druge radionice).

Očekuje se i da na kraju precizirate Vaš očekivani znanstveni doprinos.


Cijeli program radionica i kolokvija bit će objavljen na našim web stranicama


Planirano održavanje 1. znanstvenog kolokvija je 4. i 5. listopada 2019.godine.


Rijeka, 12. lipnja 2019.
 3rd International Conference from the Fiscal Dialogue cycle: Local Public Finance and Financial Management: A European Perspective
22nd November at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Karmelitská 529/5, Praha 1).

We would like to invite potential candidates to submit contributions regarding the thematic area of  ​​the conference and other topical issues in the area of ​​public policies, public administration and public finances.


Submitted papers will be subject to a peer-review process. Successful papers will be published in the conference proceedings according to the Thomson Reuters criteria.

Best papers will be offered for publishing to selected domestic and international scientific journals indexed in SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS etc. (Should the journal be interested in paper publication, authors will be informed without delay by the conference organizers. In this case, authors will have to follow the peer review principles and the journals’ guidelines.)

The deadline for abstract submission is 31th August 2019. Deadline for submitting the final version of the paper is 11th October 2019. Authors will be informed whether their paper has been approved by 11th November 2019.

Conference is free for participants without a contribution.

More information about the conference, registration and instructions for participants and authors can be found at the following website: https://www.fidi.cz/en/ and in the attached invitation. The conference languages ​​are Czech, Slovak and English.


Rijeka, 04. lipnja 2019. 
The workshop of the Central, East, and South-East European PhD Network (CESEENet)
will be held in cooperation with the
Ivan Franko National University

from Sept. 19 to Sept. 20, 2019, in Lviv, Ukraine        
The purpose of the workshop is to provide the PhD students an international discussion forum for their research. Theoretical, conceptual and empirical papers from all areas in economics, management and finance are welcome.
PhD students who want to present a paper should submit an abstract (300 words) as soon as possible, but no later than June 20, 2019. The acceptance letter will be sent to the corresponding author within two weeks after the submission of the abstract.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to prepare the final paper for presentation at the Conference.
PhD students will have two opportunities to present their research at the PhD Workshop:
(A) Presentation of a research paper:
Each paper will be presented by the author(s) (20 minutes).
In addition, a discussant will review and discuss the paper (5 – 10 minutes).
(B) Presentation of a PhD research proposal:
The PhD students have the opportunity to present their research in progress at the workshop in order to get feedback from peers and senior researchers.
Two sessions will be organized:
(a) early stage proposals and
(b) advanced stage proposals. Each proposal will be presented by the author(s) (20 minutes).
Content of the proposal:
The proposal has to consist of the following parts:
1. Motivation of the topic; the ensuing research problem and research questions
2. Overview of the relevant literature
3. What is the gap you address in your study and why is it important to provide an answer to this research question?
4. What is the contribution of your study to the relevant literature?
5. Theory and hypotheses/research questions development
Explain the theoretical framework and develop the hypotheses/the research questions
6. Methodology
Which method do you use to answer the research questions: qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods? Is you approach deductive or inductive?
7. List of references that have been used in this paper [APA 6th style]

When you present a research paper/proposal, a copy must be submitted by September 1, 2018.
No CONFERENCE FEE will be charged.
The workshop will be held at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv -http://www.lnu.edu.ua/en/
JUNE 20, 2019
Abstract submission (via email to:josef.windsperger@univie.ac.at)
One COPY of the PAPER/Proposal (.pdf or .doc) via e-mail to Josef Windsperger (josef.windsperger@univie.ac.at)
SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
Final program available at (http://ceseenet.org/)
Organizing Committee:
• Prof. Maksym Vavrin, Faculty of Economics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (mailto:mvavrin@econom.lnu.edu.ua)
• Prof. Josef Windsperger, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, University of Vienna (josef.windsperger@univie.ac.at)

Rijeka, 29. svibnja 2019.
Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci organizira međunarodnu znanstvenu konferenciju Smart Governments, Regions and Cities - Economics of Digital Transformation koja će se održati u hotelu Ambasador u Opatiji, od 2.-4.6.2019. godine.
Konferencija će ove godine okupiti veliki broj etabliranih znanstvenika te predstavnika institucija. Svečano otvorenje Konferencije, uz pozdravni govor predsjednice Republike Hrvatske Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović je predviđeno za ponedjeljak, 3. lipnja 2019. godine u 9.15, u kongresnoj dvorani hotela Ambasador.
Nakon svečanosti otvaranja, svoje predavanje će održati Robert J. Barro, Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge na temu Impact of Taxes and Regulations on Economic Growth. Robert J. Barro treći je najcitiraniji ekonomist svih vremena https://ideas.repec.org/top/top.person.nbcites.html koji prema google scholar-u trenutno ima 162325 citata uz h-indeks 119.

Program Konferencije 
Više info na www.edt-conference.com

Rijeka, 29. svibnja 2019.

Ljetna škola: Quality of Living and Working Conditions in Europe

Sveučilište u Rijeci organizira doktorsku ljetnu školu pod nazivom „Quality of Living and Working Conditions in Europe"  u suradnji sa Sveučilištem u Ljubljani i Sveučilištem u Grazu.  Doktorska ljetna škola održat će se na engleskom jeziku od 6. do 8. svibnja 2019. na Kampusu, u Akvariju (gornja prostorija) na Kampusu, Trsat (Radmile Matejčić 5).
Svi prijavljeni sudionici koji budu prisustvovali u većini programa dobit će potvrdu o prisustvovanju.
Molimo vas da svoju namjeru dolaska potvrdite putem prijavnog obrasca do 4. lipnja 2019.
Za sve dodatne upite i informacije kontaktirajte putem e-adrese: doktorska@uniri.hr .
Program HR                            Program ENG
Doktorska škola Sveučilišta u Rijeci
Trg braće Mažuranića 10
51000 Rijeka
E-pošta: doktorska@uniri.hr


Rijeka, 29. svibnja 2019.

Radionica Elsevier-a u gostima (Znanstveno publiciranje, otvorena znanost i rezultati istraživanja) samostalno organizirana i provođena od strane Elsevier-a.

Elsevier u gostima će se održati u srijedu, 5. lipnja 2019. s početkom u 11.00 sati u predavaonici  S32 u zgradi Sveučilišnih odjela na Kampusu (suteren, predavaonica je pored kafića Formula).

Radionica je na engleskom jeziku.


Za potrebe Elseviera molimo Vas da svoje sudjelovanje prijavite

na linku: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZbOIKqeyKf1h228HI9jjbK0y3rnibKDgPSMkRbnv7iPDjVA/viewform


U vremenu kada su pitanja otvorene znanosti vrlo aktualna, radionica je prilika da akademska zajednica upozna poglede jednog

od najvećih izdavača, te je ovo izvanredna  prilika za postavljanje pitanja i otvorenu diskusiju.


Rijeka, 09. svibnja 2019.

Conference "ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL (DIS) INTEGRATION", organized by the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski". The conference will take place on 27-28 JUNE 2019 IN PLOVDIV, BULGARIA.

Please, check the upcoming cultural events at and program highlights at:

The conference will bring together representatives of different universities, research and scientific institutions to share and exchange
their experience, ideas and research results about all aspect of the Economic and Social sciences. An important aim of the conference is to provide a scientific forum, to offer networking opportunities and to foster discussions among its participants.

PLEASE, KINDLY SEE THE ATTACHED FILE for your detailed information about the conference topics, important dates, paper guidelines, requirements and the journal of publishing.

For any questions, please, contact:


Assoc. prof. Stanimir Kabaivanov, PhD
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski"



Rijeka, 08. svibnja 2019

Fakultet je preko CESEENet  mreže doktorskih studija (https://ceseephd.net/) ušao u novu CEEPUS mrežu, koja obuhvaća mobilnost doktoranada (kraću od mjesec dana samo za pisanje disertacije i dužu od 3-4 mjeseca koja uključuje i polaganje ispita), te mobilnost nastavnog osoblja (od 5 radnih dana do mjesec dana uz uvjet predavanja 6 sati tjedno). Rok za prijavu za zimski semestar 2019/2020. ak.god. je 15. lipnja. Za sve se detalje možete obratiti kolegici Maji Vujićić, CEEPUS koordinatorici, kao i Marku Donadiću. Sredinom svibnja bit će raspisan interni natječaj na web stranicama Fakulteta.


prof. dr. sc. Helena Blažić, voditeljica doktorskog studija

doc. dr. sc. Maja Vujičić, CEEPUS koordinator

mr. sc. Marko Donadić, Ured za međunarodnu suradnju


Rijeka, 15. travnja 2019
Sveučilište u Rijeci organizira Mini tečaj.
Više informacija na slijedećem linku.

Rijeka, 11. travnja 2019.
Najava događaja:

1) Prezentacijske vještine – gostujuće predavanje, radionica za studente, 25. travnja 2019.

2) Okrugli stol 'Strategija energetskog razvoja RH', četvrtak, 02. svibnja 2019. (Centar ALUMNI)

3) Emil Tedeschi – predsjednik uprave Atlantic grupe – 14. svibnja 2019. godine

4) Željko Rohatinski – gostujuće predavanje, u najavi za 07. svibnja 2019. (TBC)

Rijeka, 14. ožujka 2019.
Obavijest o prvoj radionici:
Prva radionica u okviru znanstvenih kolokvija programa doktorskog studija Ekonomskog fakulteta održat će se u prostoru Anexa Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci:
  • petak, 24. svibnja 2019. od 16.00-20.00 h
  • subota, 25. svibnja 2019. od 09.00-14.00 h
Predavač je prof. dr. sc. Vesna Žabkar s Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Ljubljani.

Rijeka, 14. ožujka 2019.
Repetitorij matematike, statistike i ekonometrije

Rijeka, 14. ožujka 2019. 
PDS 10. generacija (2018./2019.)
Prijave mentora do 15. travnja 2019. godine
Rijeka, 10. rujna 2018. 
Obavijest o drugom znanstvenom kolokviju:
II. znanstveni kolokvij održat će se u subotu, 06. listopada 2018. godine u 9,30 sati u Aneksu Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci.

Upis nove generacije polaznika
Objavljen je Natječaj za upis nove generacije polaznika na poslijediplomski sveučilišni (doktorski) studij Ekonomija i poslovna ekonomija u ak. god. 2018./2019. 

Obavijest o predaji pristupnih radova:
Na osnovama novih informacija s druge radionice (prof. dr. sc. Pahora) doktorandi pristupaju dopuni istraživanja odnosno pripremi materijala za potrebe drugog znanstvenog kolokvija.

Na zahtjev doktoranata rok za dostavu pristupnih radova je produžen do ponoci, 26. kolovoza 2018. godine na e-mail. tamara.sahini@efr.hr
Ukoliko Vaš rad ne dostavite u predviđenom roku smatrat će se da ste odustali od sudjelovanja u znanstvenim kolokvijima. 

Obavijest o drugoj radionici:
Druga radionica u okviru znanstvenih kolokvija programa doktorskog studija Ekonomskog fakulteta održat će se u prostoru Anexa Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci;
  • petak, 25. svibnja od 16.00-20.00 h (4h)
  • subota, 26. svibnja od 09.00-14.00 h (5h).
Predavač je prof. dr. sc. Marko Pahor s Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Ljubljani.

Druga radionica obuhvaća obradu osobitosti kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih istraživanja. Predviđeno je da predavanje obradi sljedeće cjeline:
  • Operacionalizacija i instrumentalizacija istraživanja
  • Paradigme i proces kvantitativnog i kvalitativnog istraživanja
  • Prikupljanje i obrada informacija, interpretacija
  • Testiranje hipoteza
  • Obrazloženje znanstvenog doprinosa
Pozivate se da prisustvujete predavanju profesora Pahora koje ima za cilj proširiti spoznaje o metodologiji znanstvenoistraživačkog rada.

napomena: Doktorandi koji su sudjelovali na I. znanstvenom kolokviju imaju obvezu sudjelovati na predavanju prof. Pahora i sudjelovat na II. znanstvenom kolokviju koji se planira za 06. listopada 2018. godine.

Nakon održanog predavanja, a u skladu s programom rada na znanstvenim kolokvijima pristupne radove je potrebno dostaviti do ponoci, 15. srpnja 2018. godine na e-mail: tamara.rasetina@efri.hr
Ukoliko Vaš rad ne dostavite u predviđenom roku smatrat će se da ste odustali od sudjelovanja u znanstvenim kolokvijima.  
Rijeka, 18. veljače 2020. godine

4th China-CEE conferenceSeptember 24-252020 at the School of Economics and Business, Ljubljana, Slovenia


School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana and Confucius Institute Ljubljana with partner institutions are pleased to invite you to the 4th China-CEE conference that will take place on September 24-252020 at the School of Economics and Business, Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Like the previous conferences, the 4th China-CEE conference will be an interdisciplinary conference with the theme revolving around the "The Three C’s in China-CEE Relations: Culture, Connectivity and Creativity” and the following main tracks:

Track #1: Culture

Track #2: Connectivity - Economic in Business Perspective

Track #3: Connectivity - Policy Perspective

Track #4: Creativity


 China-CEE conference aims to gather distinguished scholars, young researchers, policy makers and business community from China, CEE and all over the world to collaborate, share and discuss the opportunities and challenges of China-Europe cooperation and connectivity.


We are encouraging submissions of extended abstracts or full papers on various China-CEE issues across different disciplines (e.g., economics, business, international relations, sinology, regional studies, history, linguistics). Please submit your work via form.


Publication opportunities

Accepted works will be published in Conference Proceedings (with ISBN). Additionally, the full papers will have the opportunity to be considered for publication in the affiliated journalsEuropean Journal of International Management; Economic and Business Review; Frontiers of Business Research in China; International Communication of Chinese Culture; Asian Studies.


The conference will also include a special Paper Development Workshop.


Important dates:

Submission deadline for extended abstracts: April 30, 2020

Acceptance notification to authors:  May 20, 2020

Registration deadline: July 10, 2020

Submission of full papers (optional): September 1, 2020

Conference: 24. 9. - 25. 9. 2020 (arrival 23. 9. / departure 26. 9.)


More information about the conference are available in the attached Call for papers.


Conference website: https://conferencecee2020.ef.uni-lj.si/

Conference e-mail: ceeconference2020@ef.uni-lj.si

Rijeka,11. studenog 2019. godine
CALL FOR PAPERS: 9th International Scientific Symposium "Region, Entrepreneurship, Development", 2020, Osijek, Croatia


Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek is organizing its 9th International Scientific Symposium  „Region, Entrepreneurship, Development” – RED 2020 (former Economy of Eastern Croatia – Vision and Growth - GIH) which will take place from June 4th – 5th, 2020 in Osijek, Croatia.


In attachment you can find 1st Call for papers 2020 and you are kindly invited to submit papers.


The previous proceedings, including the latest from 2019, were indexed in the following databases: Web of Science Core Collection, EBSCO and EconPapers.


More information about Symposium are also available at http://www.efos.unios.hr/red/en/


Rijeka, 04. studenog 2019. godine
26. tradicionalni kongres CROMAR - Hrvatska udruga za marketing - 12. i 13. prosinca 2019. godine

Katedra za marketing Ekonomskog fakulteta – Zagreb bit će domaćin 26. tradicionalnog kongresa CROMAR-a, Hrvatske udruge za marketing, 12. i 13. prosinca 2019. godine (https://cromar2019.net.efzg.hr/).

Dan prije službenog početka kongresa, 11. prosinca 2019. godine, predviđena je doktorska radionica, koju će voditi prof. dr. sc. Mary Brennan, sa University of Edinburgh Business School, trostruko-akreditiranog sveučilišta, rangiranog na 23. mjestu prema QS World University Rankings 2018 (https://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2018).

Radionica će se održati na engleskom jeziku, a studenti koji žele sudjelovati s izlaganjem mogu poslati svoj prijedlog doktorskog istraživanja (u skladu s propozicijama opisanima na https://cromar2019.net.efzg.hr/doctoral-colloquium) do 1. prosinca 2019. godine na e-mail cromar2019@net.efzg.hr). Moguće je i sudjelovanje bez izlaganja prijedloga ili nacrta doktorskog istraživanja. Cijena radionice je (u oba slučaja) 75 eura u kunskoj protuvrijednosti.



Rijeka, 24. listopada 2019. godine


Call for Paper, Conference in Odessa in September 2020.

Radovi na konferenciji biti će objavljeni u SPRINGER knjizi te u specijalnom broju časopisa.

Rijeka, 23. listopada 2019. godine

Rijeka, 04. listopada 2019. godine

FEB Zagreb & Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts

International Conference on Economics of Decoupling (ICED)


2 – 3 December 2019, Zagreb, Croatia



Call for Papers



We are looking forward to welcoming the academic, research and business community to Zagreb from 2–3 December 2019 for the International Conference on Economics of Decoupling (ICED) hosted by Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb (FEB Zagreb), Croatia and Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) in cooperation with InEEO – The Institute for Economy of Energy and Environment. The Conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to present their research and discuss topics related to economics of decoupling.


In order to present their research at the conference authors can send an abstract or full paper.


Please find the complete Call for papers, with the conference tracks and submission dates on the following link: http://iced.net.efzg.hr


We would like to invite all scholars, post-graduate students and doctoral candidates interested in any of these fields of research or practice to join us in shaping the future of our discipline in a friendly and supportive environment. Topics include, but are not limited to:

·       Energy Economics

·       Environment Economics

·       Regulatory Economics

·       Waste Management

·       Water Economics

·       Circular Economy

·       Green Economy

·       Digital Economy

·       Ecological Economics

·       Bio Economics

·       other relevant topics


Conference venue: Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb (FEB Zagreb), Trg J. F. Kennedyja 6, Zagreb, Croatia (http://www.efzg.unizg.hr/)


Conference Proceedings:


§  Abstracts (300-700 words) will be published in the Electronic Book of Abstracts.

§  Full papers (up to 5000 words) will be published in Electronic Conference Proceedings (Papers in English will be published in one volume and papers in Croatian will be published in a separate volume).

§  Conference Proceedings infer an ISSN reference.


Publishing Opportunity:


§  Selected papers will be considered for publication in Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business – ZIREB (WoS, ESCI).


Important dates:


§  Abstract or final paper submission: October 30, 2019

§  Abstract or final paper acceptance notification: 15 days from submission

§  Conference dates: December 2-3, 2019


Contact person: Martina Basarac Sertić, Ph.D. and Lucija Rogić Dumančić, Ph.D.


E-mail: iced@net.efzg.hr


Organizing Committee

International Conference on Economics of Decoupling (ICED)

FEB Zagreb and HAZU

FEB Zagreb 2020

11th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business

Šibenik, Croatia - June 16-20, 2020

Call for papers


Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia is pleased to invite you to 11th International Odyssey Conference. The Conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to present their research and discuss recent challenges in business and economics. 


In order to present their research at the conference authors can send an abstract or full paper.


Please find more information at the Conference web: https://odyssey.net.efzg.hr/


Conference venue: Amadria Park Hotel Ivan, Šibenik, Croatia


Conference Proceedings

  • Abstracts (300-700 words) will be published in the Book of abstracts with ISBN
  • Full papers Conference Proceedings (up to 5000 words) will be published in electronic format with an ISSN reference and indexed / referenced in EBSCO, EconLit and ProQuest

Publishing Opportunity



Pre-conference Ph.D. Workshop

Pre-conference Ph.D. Workshop for candidates in early or more advanced stages of their research will take place on June 17, 2020. All further details are available at the conference website.



Important dates:

Deadlines for participants who intend to participate with the FULL PAPER

  • Final paper submission: March 15, 2020
  • Final paper acceptance notification: April 30, 2020

Deadlines for participants who intend to participate with an ABSTRACT ONLY (without full paper)

  • Abstract submission: May 25, 2020
  • Abstract acceptance notification: May 30, 2020


Contact person: Ivana Načinović Braje, Ph.D. and Ivana Pavić, Ph.D.


Contact: odyssey@net.efzg.hr



                      24th conference on CURRENT TRENDS IN PUBLIC SECTOR RESEARCH in Brno (Czech Republic) on January 23 – 24, 2020.

The main topics include:

              Public administration and public sector,

              Public finance,

              Public services and non-profit sector,

              Poster session.

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is November 10, 2019.

All submitted papers are subject to a double-blind peer review process. Based on reviewers’ recommendations papers of mainly Ph.D. students will be published in the post-conference proceedings. The proceedings of papers will be sent to Thomson Reuters to be included in the Web of Science database. The previous proceedings (2012 - 2017) have already been indexed.

Extended versions of presented papers are welcome into Review of Economic Perspectives (a peer-reviewed scientific journal).

REP is indexed in Scopus, ERIH+, EconLit, EBSCOhost, RePEC/EconPapers and other databases.

You can find all the necessary information (deadlines, guidelines for participants, instructions for abstracts and papers, fees, etc.) on http://ctpsr.econ.muni.cz.

Rijeka, 04. listopada 2019. 

                    12th International Conference of ‘Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries’, EBEEC 2020 in Opatija in May 29-31, 2020.


This is the first call for the forthcoming 12th International Conference of ‘Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries’, EBEEC 2020, that will be held in Opatija, Croatia, in May 29-31, 2020. 


The 12th  edition of the conference is co-organized by the following Greek and Croatian partners:

1.      International Hellenic University, Department of Finance and Accounting

2.      University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management


We invite you all to participate in EBEEC 2020 by sending your paper. For more information, you can visit the new website of the conference (http://ebeec.ihu.gr/).

Contact us at our new email account: ebeec@ihu.gr.


Publication opportunities:

Springer: Two special sessions in "New Trends and Issues in Banking and Finance” and in "Contemporary Issues in Tourism”. The presented papers will be published in two volumes by Springer in the series Contributions to Economics (automatically indexed in Scopus).         

Springer: Proceedings published by Springer in the series Business and Economics (submitted for evaluation to be indexed in Scopus)

Knowledge E: We publish selected presented papers as proceedings which are automatically indexed in Google Scholar and selected titles are submitted for evaluation by international indexing and discovery services including Scopus and Web of Science as well as others. All our previous publications in KnowledgeE             are indexed in Web of Science)

JournalsSelected papers that will be presented at the conference will be published in journals that most of them are indexed in Scopus.


 Anastasios Karasavvoglou, International Hellenic University, Greece

Goran Karanovic, University of Rijeka, Croatia


 Rijeka, 15. srpnja 2019.

Step Ri znanstveno-tehnologijski park Sveučilišta u Rijeci i Veleposlanstvo SAD u Zagrebu organiziraju Big Bang Camp, kamp namijenjen znanstvenicima, poduzetnicima i poduzetnicima početnicima.


Big Bang Camp je petodnevni program mentoriranja tijekom kojeg će mentori iz Hrvatske i Amerike pomoći sudionicima koji razvijaju nove tehnologije da utvrde njihov tržišni potencijal i izrade hodogram pretvaranja tehnologije u proizvode i usluge koje imaju vrijednost na tržištu.


Big Bang Camp će se održati u prostorima STEP RI znanstveno-tehnologijskog parka Sveučilišta u Rijeci od 18. do 22. rujna 2019. godine.


Rijeka, 28. lipnja 2019.
Novi raspored - REPETITORIJ

Rijeka, 27. lipnja 2019. 
[Ceseenet] Correction of date to: 16-17 October 2019, Workshop on Qualitative Research Methods, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw
The Centre for Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw has a great pleasure to invite PhD students in management area to participate  in 1st PhD Workshop on Qualitative Research Methods in Management  held in Warsaw between 16-17 October 2019.


During the workshop, students will become more familiar with different approaches and methods in qualitative research in management. The workshop offers a great opportunity to meet both Polish and international academics.

Students are kindly asked to register for the event. Please mind that the registration is parallel with application for the workshop. You will be asked to answer one open question regarding qualitative research methods

The workshop is held in English. The number of workshop participants is limited.


AE for http://www.jemi.edu.pl/


Centre for Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Management

University of Warsaw


Rijeka, 18. lipnja 2019.
Summer School on "Migration and mobility in the Balkans" - the call is open!

UniAdrion and Marche Polytechnic University are organizing the second edition of the Summer school on "Migration and mobility in the Balkans”, which is going to take place in Ancona (Italy) form 9 to 13 September 2019.

This year edition will host lecturers of key relevance in the European academic scenario, such as Russel King, from Sussex University, Milica Uvalic, from the University of Perugia, Giulia Bettin, from Marche Polytechnic University, Stefano Bianchini, from the University of Bologna, Eralba Cela, from the University of Milan and INRCA, and others.

The Summer school fee, as well as meals and accommodation, will be covered by Marche Polytechnic University, whereas travel expenses to and from Ancona will be on participants.

The programme of this year Summer School is designed for Masters and PhD students, researchers and officers working in the field of migration.

Official call


Application form




For further information visit the page: https://bit.ly/2I6Uk4x

UNIADRION Secretariat

c/o Università Politecnica delle Marche Via Menicucci, 6
60121 - Ancona
Tel.: +39 071 2203020 - 071 2203028
E-mail: info@uniadrion.net

Rijeka, 18. lipnja 2019.
Economics and Governance for Sustainability, call for papers

Please read the attached call for papers for Special Issue on the Economics and Governance for Sustainability and please consider submitting your article to the journal Public Sector Economics. The guest editors Louis Meuleman and Ingeborg Niestroy are welcoming theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented contributions analysing the state of play of economic theory and practice of sustainable development, with a view of its contribution to the governance of the SDGs. 


The manuscript deadline is 15 August 2019.


Rijeka, 12. lipnja 2019.

U skladu s programom rada na radionicama, znanstvenim kolokvijima i doktorskoj konferenciji (https://www.efri.uniri.hr/hr/radionice_znanstveni_kolokviji_i_doktorska_konferencija/936/215)- do 19. rujna 2019. godine - treba dostaviti radnu verziju teksta preliminarne prijave disertacije u referadu za doktorski studij (doktorski@efri.hr). Konačni je cilj (koji će biti ostvaren nakon drugog znanstvenog kolokvija) prijava disertacije na obrascu za prijavu teme disertacije koji se nalazi na web stranicama (https://www.efri.uniri.hr/hr/poslijediplomski_studij__pravilnici_odluke_i_obrasci/517/150).

Ukoliko se tekst ne dostavi u predviđenom roku smatrat će se da je doktorand/ica odustao/la od sudjelovanja u znanstvenim kolokvijima.

Predviđeno je da doktorandi razrade svoju ideju istraživanja u obimu od oko 0,5 aa (7-8 str., ne računajući popis literature) koja se šalje na recenziju mentoru (podsjećamo na nužnost prethodnih konzultacija s mentorom prije godišnjeg odmora), a tekst rada treba sadržavati:

•        Naslov (tema)

•        Postavljanje istraživačkog problema (temeljeno na prošlim znanstvenim istraživanjima)

•        Rezultate prošlih istraživanja (analiza literature)

•        Istraživačka pitanja, ciljevi istraživanja, hipoteza (pomoćne hipoteze)

•        Konceptualizacija (razrada koncepta istraživanja i prikaz istraživačkog modela - konkretniji i konačni prijedlog kvantitativnog modela odnosno metodologije istraživanja bit će razrađen nakon druge radionice).

Očekuje se i da na kraju precizirate Vaš očekivani znanstveni doprinos.


Cijeli program radionica i kolokvija bit će objavljen na našim web stranicama 


Planirano održavanje 1. znanstvenog kolokvija je 4. i 5. listopada 2019.godine.


Rijeka, 12. lipnja 2019.
 3rd International Conference from the Fiscal Dialogue cycle: Local Public Finance and Financial Management: A European Perspective 
22nd November at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Karmelitská 529/5, Praha 1). 

We would like to invite potential candidates to submit contributions regarding the thematic area of  ​​the conference and other topical issues in the area of ​​public policies, public administration and public finances.


Submitted papers will be subject to a peer-review process. Successful papers will be published in the conference proceedings according to the Thomson Reuters criteria.

Best papers will be offered for publishing to selected domestic and international scientific journals indexed in SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS etc. (Should the journal be interested in paper publication, authors will be informed without delay by the conference organizers. In this case, authors will have to follow the peer review principles and the journals’ guidelines.)

The deadline for abstract submission is 31th August 2019. Deadline for submitting the final version of the paper is 11th October 2019. Authors will be informed whether their paper has been approved by 11th November 2019.

Conference is free for participants without a contribution.

More information about the conference, registration and instructions for participants and authors can be found at the following website: https://www.fidi.cz/en/ and in the attached invitation. The conference languages ​​are Czech, Slovak and English.



Rijeka, 06. lipnja2019.
Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija Smart Governments, Regions and Cities - Economics of Digital Transformation 

Rijeka, 29. svibnja 2019.
Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci organizira međunarodnu znanstvenu konferenciju Smart Governments, Regions and Cities - Economics of Digital Transformation koja će se održati u hotelu Ambasador u Opatiji, od 2.-4.6.2019. godine.
Konferencija će ove godine okupiti veliki broj etabliranih znanstvenika te predstavnika institucija. Svečano otvorenje Konferencije, uz pozdravni govor predsjednice Republike Hrvatske Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović je predviđeno za ponedjeljak, 3. lipnja 2019. godine u 9.15, u kongresnoj dvorani hotela Ambasador. 
Nakon svečanosti otvaranja, svoje predavanje će održati Robert J. Barro, Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge na temu Impact of Taxes and Regulations on Economic Growth. Robert J. Barro treći je najcitiraniji ekonomist svih vremena https://ideas.repec.org/top/top.person.nbcites.html koji prema google scholar-u trenutno ima 162325 citata uz h-indeks 119.
Više info na www.edt-conference.com

Rijeka, 29. svibnja 2019.

Ljetna škola: Quality of Living and Working Conditions in Europe

Sveučilište u Rijeci organizira doktorsku ljetnu školu pod nazivom „Quality of Living and Working Conditions in Europe"  u suradnji sa Sveučilištem u Ljubljani i Sveučilištem u Grazu.  Doktorska ljetna škola održat će se na engleskom jeziku od 6. do 8. svibnja 2019. na Kampusu, u Akvariju (gornja prostorija) na Kampusu, Trsat (Radmile Matejčić 5). 
Svi prijavljeni sudionici koji budu prisustvovali u većini programa dobit će potvrdu o prisustvovanju. 
Molimo vas da svoju namjeru dolaska potvrdite putem prijavnog obrasca do 4. lipnja 2019. 
Za sve dodatne upite i informacije kontaktirajte putem e-adrese: doktorska@uniri.hr .
Program HR                     Program ENG
Doktorska škola Sveučilišta u Rijeci
Trg braće Mažuranića 10
51000 Rijeka
E-pošta: doktorska@uniri.hr

Rijeka, 29. svibnja 2019.

Radionica Elsevier-a u gostima (Znanstveno publiciranje, otvorena znanost i rezultati istraživanja) samostalno organizirana i provođena od strane Elsevier-a.

Elsevier u gostima će se održati u srijedu, 5. lipnja 2019. s početkom u 11.00 sati u predavaonici  S32 u zgradi Sveučilišnih odjela na Kampusu (suteren, predavaonica je pored kafića Formula).

Radionica je na engleskom jeziku.


Za potrebe Elseviera molimo Vas da svoje sudjelovanje prijavite

na linku: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfZbOIKqeyKf1h228HI9jjbK0y3rnibKDgPSMkRbnv7iPDjVA/viewform


U vremenu kada su pitanja otvorene znanosti vrlo aktualna, radionica je prilika da akademska zajednica upozna poglede jednog

od najvećih izdavača, te je ovo izvanredna  prilika za postavljanje pitanja i otvorenu diskusiju.


Rijeka, 09. svibnja 2019

Conference "ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL (DIS) INTEGRATION", organized by the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski". The conference will take place on 27-28 JUNE 2019 IN PLOVDIV, BULGARIA.

Please, check the upcoming cultural events at and program highlights at:

The conference will bring together representatives of different universities, research and scientific institutions to share and exchange
their experience, ideas and research results about all aspect of the Economic and Social sciences. An important aim of the conference is to provide a scientific forum, to offer networking opportunities and to foster discussions among its participants.

PLEASE, KINDLY SEE THE ATTACHED FILE for your detailed information about the conference topics, important dates, paper guidelines, requirements and the journal of publishing.

For any questions, please, contact:


Assoc. prof. Stanimir Kabaivanov, PhD
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski"




Rijeka, 15. travnja 2019
Sveučilište u Rijeci organizira Mini tečaj.
Više informacija na slijedećem linku.

Rijeka, 11. travnja 2019.
Najava događaja:

1) Prezentacijske vještine – gostujuće predavanje, radionica za studente, 25. travnja 2019.

2) Okrugli stol 'Strategija energetskog razvoja RH', četvrtak, 02. svibnja 2019. (Centar ALUMNI)

3) Emil Tedeschi – predsjednik uprave Atlantic grupe – 14. svibnja 2019. godine

4) Željko Rohatinski – gostujuće predavanje, u najavi za 07. svibnja 2019. (TBC)

Rijeka, 14. ožujka 2019.
Obavijest o prvoj radionici:
Prva radionica u okviru znanstvenih kolokvija programa doktorskog studija Ekonomskog fakulteta održat će se u prostoru Anexa Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci:
  • petak, 24. svibnja 2019. od 16.00-20.00 h
  • subota, 25. svibnja 2019. od 09.00-14.00 h
Predavač je prof. dr. sc. Vesna Žabkar s Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Ljubljani.

Rijeka, 14. ožujka 2019.
Repetitorij matematike, statistike i ekonometrije

The workshop of the Central, East, and South-East European PhD Network (CESEENet)
will be held in cooperation with the
Ivan Franko National University

from Sept. 19 to Sept. 20, 2019, in Lviv, Ukraine        
The purpose of the workshop is to provide the PhD students an international discussion forum for their research. Theoretical, conceptual and empirical papers from all areas in economics, management and finance are welcome.
PhD students who want to present a paper should submit an abstract (300 words) as soon as possible, but no later than June 20, 2019. The acceptance letter will be sent to the corresponding author within two weeks after the submission of the abstract.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to prepare the final paper for presentation at the Conference.
PhD students will have two opportunities to present their research at the PhD Workshop:
(A) Presentation of a research paper:
Each paper will be presented by the author(s) (20 minutes).
In addition, a discussant will review and discuss the paper (5 – 10 minutes).
(B) Presentation of a PhD research proposal:
The PhD students have the opportunity to present their research in progress at the workshop in order to get feedback from peers and senior researchers.
Two sessions will be organized:
(a) early stage proposals and
(b) advanced stage proposals. Each proposal will be presented by the author(s) (20 minutes).
Content of the proposal:
The proposal has to consist of the following parts:
1. Motivation of the topic; the ensuing research problem and research questions
2. Overview of the relevant literature
3. What is the gap you address in your study and why is it important to provide an answer to this research question?
4. What is the contribution of your study to the relevant literature?
5. Theory and hypotheses/research questions development
Explain the theoretical framework and develop the hypotheses/the research questions
6. Methodology
Which method do you use to answer the research questions: qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods? Is you approach deductive or inductive?
7. List of references that have been used in this paper [APA 6th style]

When you present a research paper/proposal, a copy must be submitted by September 1, 2018.
No CONFERENCE FEE will be charged.
The workshop will be held at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv -http://www.lnu.edu.ua/en/
JUNE 20, 2019
Abstract submission (via email to:josef.windsperger@univie.ac.at) 
One COPY of the PAPER/Proposal (.pdf or .doc) via e-mail to Josef Windsperger (josef.windsperger@univie.ac.at)
SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
Final program available at (http://ceseenet.org/)
Organizing Committee:
• Prof. Maksym Vavrin, Faculty of Economics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (mailto:mvavrin@econom.lnu.edu.ua) 
• Prof. Josef Windsperger, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, University of Vienna (josef.windsperger@univie.ac.at) 

[Ceepus_Ceseenet] PhD Paper writing in Economics and Management - Sept. 9 - Sept. 13, 2019 - DEADLINE Feb. 20
The University of Vienna will offer this summer again a CESEENet Workshop: Scientific Paper Writing in Management and Economics.
Attachment INFO

The course will take place
Monday 09.09.2019 09:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 16 Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 3.Stock 03.503
Tuesday 10.09.2019 09:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 16 Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 3.Stock 03.503
Wednesday 11.09.2019 09:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 16 Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 3.Stock 03.503
Thursday 12.09.2019 09:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 16 Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 3.Stock 03.503
Friday 13.09.2019 09:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum 16 Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 3.Stock 03.503

No overhead fee will be charged for attending this workshop.

Interested students should contact Polina Schmid (polina.schmid@univie.ac.at) until Febuary 20, 2019 and send her a document that proves that the student is enrolled in a PhD Programme at a CESEENet Partner University.
Further information will soon be published here:
and on MOODLE!

 FEB Zagreb 10th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and BusinessOpatija, Croatia - June 12-15, 2019
Call for papers

In order to present research at the conference authors can send an abstract or full paper.
Please find more information at the Conference web: www.odyssey.net.efzg.hr
Conference venue: Amadria Park Grand hotel 4 opatijska cvijetaOpatija, Croatia
Conference Proceedings:
·      Abstracts (300-700 words) will be published in the Conference Proceedings
·      Full papers (up to 5000 words) will be published on CD-ROM 
·      CD-ROM and Conference Proceedings infer an ISBN reference and are indexed / referenced inEBSCO, EconLit and ProQuest
Publishing Opportunity:
·      Selected papers will be considered for publication in a separate volume of journals Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business – ZIREB(WoS ESCI)Acta Turistica (WoS ESCI, Scopus) and Market-Tržište (WoS ESCI, Scopus).
Ph.D. Workshop:
Pre-conference Ph.D. Workshop for candidates in early or more advanced stages of their research will take place on June 12, 2019. All further details are available at the conference website.
Important dates:
·      Abstract or final paper submission: March 15, 2019
·      Abstract or final paper acceptance notification: April 30, 2019
Contact person: Ivana Načinović Braje, Ph.D. and Ivana Pavić, Ph.D.

Management International Conference (MIC 2019) to be held in Opatija, Croatia, 29 May – 1 June 2019.   

The conference title is Managing Geostrategic Issues, which will be discussed in different subject areas: management, economics, finance, trade, tourism, energy and climate, digitalisation and the workplace, international institutions and development. 
Submission and Registration
The paper submission process is organized in two steps:
1.Abstract submission before the conference starts.
2.Full Paper submission after the conference. 
In order to register and submit your extended abstract click here
Publication Possibilities
Abstracts will be published in the MIC 2019 Book of Abstracts, ready for the conference.
Authors, who submit their abstracts and participate at the conference, are invited to submit full papers either to the MIC 2019 Conference Proceedings, published after the conference, or to the MIC 2019 supporting journals (more information here). 
Important Dates:
•Abstract submission: 28 February 2019
•Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2019
•Registration and Payment Deadline: 31 March 2019 (early bird); 15 April 2019 (late registration)
•Conference: 29 May - 1 June 2019
•Full Paper submission to MIC Supporting Journals: 30 June 2019
•Full Paper submission to Conference Proceedings: 30 September 2019 
Conference Fee
Information about the conference fee is available here
Conference Location
Information about the conference venue and how to reach Opatija is available here
E-mail: mic@fm-kp.si
Website: www.mic.fm-kp.si  


7. prosinac 2018. godine
Doktorska konferencija - 15. prosinac 2018. 
Pozivamo vas na Doktorsku konferenciju Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci koja će se održati 15. prosinca u 09:30 sati na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Rijeci u prostorijama Anexa. 
Molimo Vas da pripremite Power point (PPT) prezentaciju Vašeg rada (najdulje 10 minuta).

Uz prezentaciju Vaših radova, predviđena je diskusija sa članovima znanstvenog tima (recenzentima) i članovima Povjerenstva za poslijediplomske studije i doktorate.

Da biste u skladu s Pravilnikom o studiranju odnosno vrednovanju „odgovarajućih studijskih aktivnosti kojima se potiče internacionalizacija istraživanja"- Članak 11. stavak 2. ostvarili 20 ECTS bodova izlaganje rada na doktorskoj konferenciji je OBAVEZNO!
Nakon održane doktorske konferencije i uspješno prezentiranog rada Povjerenstvo za PS i doktorate ce na narednoj sjednici potvrditi ostvarenih 20 ECTS bodova.

 21. rujna 2018.
Ekonomski fakultet u Sveučilišta u Rijeci poziva Vas na radionicu u organizaciji Emerald Publishing koja će se održati u četvrtak, 11. listopada 2018. godine s početkom u 09,30 u dvorani Aneksa (Ivana Filipovića 4, 51000 Rijeka).
Trajanje radionice je 1,5 sata. Radni jezik bit će engleski jezik, a radionicu će održati gđa. Radka Krivankova, Business Manager - South Eastern Europe| Finland| Sweden.

Radionica je besplatna i potrebno je prijaviti se mailom na petra.adelajda.mirkovic@efri.hr do 05. listopada 2018. godine. 

How to get published in the right journal
How to target your work more effectively
What editors and reviewers actually look for
Rankings and how important they are to your research
The key questions that make or break a paper 
How to peer review your own work
The secrets of revision
Napomena: Radionica se boduje s 5 ECTS bodova za doktorande koji nastavljaju studij po novom Pravilniku doktorskog studija, veljača 2018.
20. rujna 2018.
Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci organizira novo predavanje svjetski poznatog znanstvenika i jednog od top 10 njemačkih statističara:
Prof. Dr. Wolfganga Karl Härdle i Prof. Dr. Cathy Yi-Hsuan Chen (Humbolt University in Berlin) koji će polaznike provesti kroz svijet kriptovaluta, a posebno će analizirati najpoznatiju među njima - Bitcoin.  

Ovim putem vas pozivamo na predavanje koje će se održati u ponedjeljak, 24. rujna, s početkom u 14 sati, dvorana Aneks Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Ulica Ivana Filipovića 4), a predviđeno trajanje je 1 sat. 
Predavanje je i ovaj put besplatno za sve zainteresirane do popunjenja mjesta u dvorani. 
Prijaviti se možete putem online obrasca dostupnog, ovdje.
 4. lipnja 2018.
Radionica "Empirical Tools in Macroeconomics"
Od 18. do 21. lipnja profesorica Irina Panovska s Lehigh University (SAD) održat će se radionica "Empirical Tools in Macroeconomics" na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu
Radionica će se primarno fokusirati na različite VAR i SVAR modele (Vektorska autoregresija).
Tri su cilja radionice:
  • uvod u linearne i nelinearne modele u makroekonomiji,
  • stjecanje praktičnog iskustva u softveru R,
  • pregled klasičnih i najnovijih znanstvenih radova koji koriste takve modele s mogućnosti primjene za vlastita istraživanja ili prognoziranja.

Sve dodatne informacije se nalaze se OVDJE

Sudjelovanje na radionici je besplatno uz prethodnu registraciju na  https://goo.gl/forms/Yh9rGk7NHamZqp9y2 

08. svibnja 2018.
Predavanje Wolfgang Karl Härdle na EFRi-u u suradnji s Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci i Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin pozivaju Vas na predavanja „Crypto Currencies - chance, risk and opportunities".
Tema predavanja su trendovi u razvoju kripto valuta (od kojih je najpoznatiji Bitcoin).

Predavač je prof.dr.sc. Wolfgang Karl Härdle s Humboldt-Universität u Berlinu.
Profesor Wolfgang Karl Härdle s Humboldt-Universität u Berlinu je svjetski poznati znanstvenik, predstojnik Ladislav Bortkiewicz Katedre za statistiku, po rang ljestvicama trenutno među top 10 njemačkih ekonomista te najpubliciraniji njemački statističar. Prisustvovanje na predavanju je besplatno i otvoreno za javnost.
Predavanja će se održati na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci u utorak, 08.05.2018, s početkom u 16:00 sati, u zgradi Aneksa.

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