E-laboratory for digital education (LaDiEd)

The project "E-laboratory for digital education" ("LaDiEd") is funded under the Erasmus + program, key measure 2 - strategic partnerships.
The project lasts a total of 24 months, from 1.3.2021. to 28.2.2023.
In addition to the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business, three other partners are involved in the implementation of the project; University of Limerick with it's Center for Transformative Learning, Faculty of Economics and business, University of Maribor and start-up Giritech from Ireland.
The total value of the project is 163,877 EUR.
The purpose of the project is to create sustainable partnerships of higher education institutions in the EU with the aim of strengthening the ability to introduce (e-) teaching and (e-) learning by developing digital pedagogical competencies of teaching staff, finding innovative solutions to provide high quality and inclusive digital education and developing and using quality digital content and modern (e-) tools. By achieving this goal, we will contribute to strengthening higher education institutions to provide high-quality and inclusive digital education by supporting professors in the development of digital competencies and developing education and training systems that will respond to these challenges.
Target groups:
The target group of the project are primarily professors (faculties) who need systematic and quality support and improvement of skills and competencies, not only in relation to new technologies, but also in developing methodological approaches to understand which technologies and tools to choose for their teaching.
The impact we expect on participants and organizations and target groups is improved competencies and knowledge to be able to adapt to the emerging reality caused by the corona virus. By acquiring new tools, skills and knowledge to address the difficulties and complexities associated with digital skills, they will become ready to use new technologies and transfer their knowledge to other stakeholders. The long-term benefit for participating faculties is their adaptation to the real needs of society, and thus raising their importance in society
The project menager is Nenad Vretenar PhD, Associate Professor
In the project are also involved:
1) Jelena Jardas Antonić PhD, Associate Professor
2) Barbara Buljat Raymond MEcon
3) Ivan Prudky MEcon
4) Ema Murić, LLM