InCrowd project

The project "Inclusion through CrowdFunding" ("InCrowd") is co-financed by part of Erasmus + program, Key measure 3 - support for political reforms, innovation policy initiatives and social inclusion.
The implementation of the project is planned from 2021 to 2023 (24 months duration). A part from the University of Rijeka, five partners investigators from five European countries are involved in the implementation of the project,
1) Fenice Foundation, Italy
2) European Crowdfunding Network, Belgium,
3) GROWFUNDING, Belgium,
4) ZAAR, Malta and
5) TREE - Estonia.
The Faculty of Economics and Business in Rijeka is in the main investigator of the project at the level of the University of Rijeka.
Project value: 484,021 EUR.
The emphasis of project activities is placed on the young population that is not employed or involved in any form of education (NEET - Neither in employment nor in education or training). The aim of the project is to improve their position and opportunities in the modern dynamic labor market, which is greatly influenced by globalization. In doing so, special emphasis was placed on self-employment activities and encouraging one's own entrepreneurial activities, primarily through some of the key forms of alternative financing, primarily crowdfunding. The implementation of the project will be realized through various forms of scientific and educational activities that will enable the NEET population to access the knowledge and skills necessary for non-adjustment of living standards and achieving competitiveness in the labor market.
The project manager at the level of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Rijeka is Marko Tomljanović, PhD, Assistant Professor.
Team members:
1) Alen Host, PhD, Full Professor
2) Pavle Jakovac, PhD, Associate Professor
3) Hrvoje Katunar, MBA
More informations about the project you can find HERE