Leaders of the Green Economy

Leaders of the Green Economy The objectives of this project are: Situational
analysis regarding teaching and learning practices about sustainable
development, green economy and circular economy on University level;
Establishing linkages and enhancing the cooperation between the academia and
industry; Creating a digital repository of knowledge, tools and activities for sustainable
development, green economy and circular economy; Enrichment of the knowledge
and skills of the University staff; Empowering them to implement concepts of sustainable
development, green economy and circular economy in their future jobs. The project will include a baseline study
regarding teaching and learning practices related to sustainable development,
green economy and circular economy on University level in South East Europe.
Diverse set of activities will be deployed including: workshops with professors
for development of digital materials and curricular interventions, bootcamps
and virtual/hybrid exchanges for students and broad dissemination of the
activities. Duration of the
project: 2022 -
2024 Project holder: Private Higher Education
Institution - University American College Skopje privatna ustanova, Skopje,
North Macedonia Project partners: University of Rijeka, Faculty of
Economics and Business, Rijeka, Republic of Croatia DOBA - Fakulteta za uporabne
poslovne in druzbene studije Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia University of Ruse „Angel
Kanchev", Ruse Bulgaria Members of the project team at EFRI: Assistant Professor Marko Tomljanović, PhD, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics
and Business, Rijeka, Republic of Croatia Professor Alen Host, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics
and Business, Rijeka, Republic of Croatia Associate Professor Pavle Jakovac, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics
and Business, Rijeka, Republic of Croatia Ema Murić, mag.iur, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and
Business, Rijeka, Republic of Croatia Professor Mario Pečarić, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics
and Business, Rijeka, Republic of Croatia