REPLACE: Making heating and cooling for European consumers efficient

REPLACE: Making heating and cooling for European consumers efficient

Making heating and cooling for European consumers efficient, economically resilient, clean and climate-friendly


Call: H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2018

Topic identifier: LC-SC3-EC-1-2018

Type of action: CSA

Acronym: REPLACE

Consortium Budget: 1.999.878,75 EUR

Duration: 36 months




With heating and cooling (HC) comprising 50 % of final European energy consumption and over 68 % of all gas imports, permanently reducing consumption and increasing the share of renewables in this sector is paramount for a successful Energy Union. In particular, the fact that 80 million out of 120 million installed space heating systems in Europe currently achieve an energy label class C or D gives rise to major concern. REPLACE therefore aims to boost the phase-out of inefficient and old heating and cooling systems by targeting consumers, investors/owners as-well as intermediaries (installers, plumbers, and chimney sweepers) and helps them to make or support the making of informed decisions. With mature technology widely available REPLACE is developed with three major directions in mind to facilitate mass-deployment of efficient and clean Heating-Cooling technologies: a) focusing on representative target regions with dedicated campaigns steered through local working groups; b) capacity-building and knowledge transfer are at the heart of REPLACE; c) creation of incentives that induce stakeholders to make "good” choices by developing target group specific campaigns and fostering the use of co-operative measure and by fostering the implementation of innovative solutions.

REPLACE targets over 8.3 million consumers directly with an estimated short-term impact of 4-7 GWh of annual primary energy savings, a reduction in annual GHG emissions of 2,000 to 7,000 t CO2 equiv. and over Mio. EUR 4-30 of additional investments in sustainable energy.

By 2026 REPLACE will help to annually save 68 GWh of primary energy, reduce annual GHG emissions by 67,000 t CO2 equiv. and trigger investments in sustainable energy of over Mio. EUR 300 in the ten target regions alone, at the minimum. The entire set-up of REPLACE ensures that beyond the project’s life-time actions will carry on within the ten target regions and across Europe through the replication of the campaigns.



Austrian Energy Agency (AT)

WIP Renewable Energies (DE)

Civic Foundation Energiewende Oberland (DE)

Escan s.l. (ES)

Regionalna energetska agencija Sjeverozapadne Hrvatske (HR)

Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (HR) - Faculty of Economic and Business University of Rijeka (EFRI)

Enova d.o.o. (BA)

Black Sea Energy Research Centre (BG)

City of Sabac (RS)

Jožef Stefan Institute (SI)

International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (MK)

Regional Energy Agency of Castilla y León (ES)


EFRI Team Members:

Prof. Saša Žiković, PhD
Prof. Nela Vlahinić Lenz, PhD



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